
Cold Chain Cloud Database: liberoMANAGER

Source: ELPRO

liberoMANAGER is ELPRO's cold chain database built as cloud solution that centrally collects, verifies, automatically processes, and archives LIBERO PDF reports from cold chain shipments or site monitoring applications and is accessible from any location via web browser. liberoMANAGER is offered as «Software as a Service» and is operated, maintained, and updated by ELPRO. The solution is operated on a highly reliable and high-security data center (certified ISO 27001).

  • liberoMANAGER is ELPRO's online cold chain database
  • Designed as cloud solution accessible via web
  • Customers can search, view and export reports from cold chain shipments (or cold chain storage)

Why do you need a cold chain database?
ELPRO customers most often state three reasons why they need a central database.
First, for GDP regulatory compliance; to perform root cause analysis, CAPAs, transport qualification, and be able to provide temperature control evidence to customers (and auditors).

Second, to monitor cold chain shipments and partner performance. By tracking ‘open shipments’, you can gauge if shipments are getting to receiving sites in a timely manner, how often is there an alarm in a certain lane, or if there are alarms often using a certain courier or 3PL?

Third, the business unit owner, most often a «Logistics» or «QA Manager» running cold chain operations wants to make cost-saving process improvements by using the data to understand what improvements can be made such as changing mode of transport or adopting lower cost packaging.

What can you do with all the temperature data?
The sky is the limit. Your group of stakeholders needs to decide, «What do we want to use the data for?» By understanding what you want out of a database, ELPRO can help you design the indices and what data to start collecting. In as little as 6 months, you’ll have meaningful, valuable data to comply with GDP requirements, monitor partner performance and make decisions to reduce logistics cost.

How can ELPRO help you set this up?
Unfortunately there is a misconception that more data, means more work. It depends. Yes if you’re a clinical project leader who has to manage hundreds of sites, it will take some time to train investigation sites how to plug in a USB logger (not really that difficult). But if you’re a «Logistics Leader» or «Clinical Supply Leader» in your organization that has to answer to senior management about reducing significant cost and wasted resource in commercial and clinical supply chains – then data is your best friend. Having all the temperature data at your fingertips will help you make impactful decisions on how to simplify processes, implement greater efficiencies and save huge resources in the long run.

However we know implementing a database doesn’t happen overnight. We also know how to do it… with you. ELPRO’s long history of working with the pharmaceutical industry has given us the experience, and state-of-the-art software and hardware to enable you to make vast improvements in your logistics. We can help you implement a central database for any size company, globally.