
Insulated Shipping Inspection: Reuse, Recycle, REPAQ®

Source: CSafe Global

To keep shipping costs in check, many companies reuse their insulated shipping boxes. However, thermal testing has revealed that all insulation, regardless of type, degrades over time causing the performance of insulated shippers to decline. Without accurate testing it is almost impossible to ensure the integrity and performance of the shipper and/or the insulation.

With our REPAQ® requalification and reuse program, customers can have their insulated shipping boxes inspected, cleaned and thermally re-qualified to establish their thermal integrity prior to reuse. No other reuse program thermally requalifies units prior to reuse.

With REPAQ® users are able to repeatedly reuse their insulated shipping boxes with total confidence that they will perform as originally promised. From the first use to the hundredth, REPAQ® provides a qualified shipper that can be reused with absolute Peace of Mind®.