Reliable Test Methods...The Proof Is In The Data

Source: PTI Packaging and Inspection Systems

If you do not have a reliable test method, you do not have a test method! Reliability and repeatability of PTI test solutions is a mantra that runs deep within our organization. PTI has partnered with a global manufacturer of baby formula to roll-out VeriPac test solutions globally, with every system validated to detect leaks of 20 microns using the same test method and approach. This can only be achieved with the highest level of precision engineering and a clear understanding of Signal-Noise ratio.

The 400 Series vacuum system uses PERMA-Vac valve sequencing, reducing transducer fluctuations and variation in measurement. This process enables the system to reduce system noise in vacuum measurements, and allows for consistent and repeatable test results, regardless of when or where the test is performed. This is especially critical with installations in various environments and altitudes. While increasing the accuracy of test measurements this also eliminates the need for dynamic test algorithms, vacuum offsets or compensating factors often used by competitive test solutions. In the case of our global client the test method developed on a VeriPac 400 Series was rolled out to sites around the world, producing the same test results and detection capabilities with no adjustment at the client site.The design layout and control system of the VeriPac 400 Series truly makes this a “Globally Transferrable Validated Test Method”. The steps within PTI to assure quality of the test system make the test solutions we release second to none. The ultimate result is a test system that our clients can come to rely on, and a global quality solution that makes products safer.