Uncaria tomentosa originates from the Amazon basin. Use of cat's claw is based on an extensive evaluation of the historic herbal practices of the Campa Indians and other indigenous tribes of the region.
While developing C-MED-100 Dr. Ronald Pero identified that a previously unrecognized naturally occurring class of compounds known as carboxyl alkyl esters is the primary ingredient. Carboxyl alkyl esters (CAEs) are phospholipid-like compounds that can interact with the cholesterol/phospholipid ration in cell membranes and strongly influence the membrane integrity of cells. The CAEs as well as other esters present in C-MED-100 have been shown to support immune system enhancement and natural DNA repair.
C-MED-100 is produced by a unique extraction process, which maintains the natural synergy of the beneficial compounds in cat's claw. In particular, the water extraction method maintains the integrity of the CAEs, making C-MED-100 unique in its ability to promote DNA repair.
Safety studies have shown no side effects. In a recently published study in the Journal of Enthnopharmacology 69 (1999) 115-128, animals were given 8 grams per kilo of body weight with no adverse effects. That equates to a serving size 1600 times the concentration of an effective human serving, but no side effects were reported.
The initial recommended serving size is two 350mg tablets/capsules of C-MED-100 daily for one month. The recommended serving size for long term use is approximately 5mg of C-MED-100 per kg of body weight. (This equates to 350mg daily for a 150 pound person.
M.W. International, Inc., 225 Long Avenue, P.O. Box 308, Hillside, NJ 07205-2349. Tel: 973-926-4025; Fax: 973-926-0989.