
Capsugel® Press-Fit® & XPress-Fit® Gelcaps: Go On, Judge A Book By Its Cover.

Source: Capsugel® | Lonza Pharma & Biotech

Capsugel® Press-Fit® and XPress-Fit® Gelcap proprietary technology lets you enrobe caplets with high-gloss gelatin covers that consumers and patients prefer.

Energize Your Sales by Giving Your Product a Differentiated Appearance

Capsugel® proprietary Press-Fit® and XPress-Fit® gelcap technology is difficult to mimic and enables brands to create a new look for their product with minimal effort and without having to reformulate. The result is a product that stands out to consumers and may help generate increased sales.

Flexible gelcaps are stretched around a caplet of specified shape and dimension using a patented cold-shrink process.