Case Study

Four Leading Injectable Manufacturers Automate Tray Count Operations

Source: Verista
Vaccine Vials GettyImages-1316775813


Two top pharmaceutical companies and two major CMOs producing billions of doses of vaccines and other injectable products needed solutions that met their constantly changing product mixes.

A critical component of the manufacturing process of vaccines and other injectable pharmaceuticals is the inspection and counting of trays through the manufacturing process. Since these activities are typically manual, they can result in
significant time and cost saving losses such as:

  • Quality, compliance and reporting issues due to human errors
  • Low throughput, oftentimes requiring 2x labor coverage, due to manual counting
  • Employee safety and satisfaction concerns resulting from repetitive motion, eye strain and needle poke

Learn about the solutions that were developed that directly improve the speed, accuracy and compliance of these manufacturing operations with the utmost importance placed on getting safe and quality products to market as quickly as possible.

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