
Freezemobile Freeze Dryers

Source: ATS Life Sciences Scientific Products
Freezemobile Freeze Dryers

The Freezemobile Large Capacity Freeze Dryer is available with condenser capacities of 25 or 35 Liters. Condenser refrigeration packages of -53, -70 and -85C are available to allow configuration for a variety of solvents. A wide array of manifolds are available including stainless steel and acrylic, tree or drum manifolds, heated or unheated shelves with bulk or stoppering.


  • Mobile, free standing design
  • Choice of refrigeration systems with temperatures of -70 or -85C
  • Smooth wall condenser for quick defrost turnaround time
  • Convenient front facing vacuum pump oil quick-change module
  • Pressure control to provide heat transfer for sublimation as required
  • Wide variety of manifolds and accessories available
  • Optional filter traps to protect the vacuum pump


  • Configure a system to meet your application/solvent needs
  • Acrylic manifold and adaptor plate for aqueous and inorganic solvent applications
  • Stainless steel manifold and adaptor plate for aqueous and organic solvent applications
  • Large batch processing in a single run with 25 or 35 liter condenser capacity
  • Accommodate a wide variety of product solvents with temperatures to -85C
  • Minimize downtime with quick-defrost turnaround time
  • Shorten cycles with pressure control for enhanced heat transfer
  • Easy install, requires standard laboratory utilities