Mixer Emulsifier

The 410-X mixer emulsifier allows processors to take advantage of the company's X-Series rotor/stator technology in laboratory and small-volume production applications
The 410-X mixer emulsifier allows processors to take advantage of the company's X-Series rotor/stator technology in laboratory and small-volume production applications. The X-Series in-line mixers can produce sub-micron emulsions and dispersions faster than any other rotor/stator mixer. In many cases, the X-Series mixer emulsifiers can surpass the performance of mills and homogenizers that are far more costly and maintenance-intensive. The 410-X is ideal for new product development and pilot production in many industries from foods to pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, coatings, and the CPI. With tip speeds exceeding 12,000 ft/min, this models scales up precisely to the larger units in Ross' line of X-Series mixers. Models are now available for all applications through full-scale production.