MOTIV™ Inline Buffer Formulation Systems
Our award-winning inline buffer formulation technology generates accurate and reproducible buffers on-demand from concentrates to save you time, space and money.
MOTIV 3 Systems
Designed to fit within tighter space and budget constraints, our patented 3-pump MOTIV systems leverage process analytical technology (PAT) to generate precise and reproducible buffers for a consistent yield and recovery of your biologic product.
Patented Dilution + Conditioning
All MOTIV 3 systems utilize our patented Pro-Yield™ technology to both dilute and condition your buffers via a dynamic single-pass mixer with feedback control from conductivity and pH. Flow-based blending is also available.
Efficient Buffer Production
With MOTIV 3 systems, you can leverage stock buffer concentrates and pH modifiers to produce high-quality buffers on demand, within as little as 15 seconds from system start-up. After use, the system can be rinsed down in under a minute.
MOTIV 5 Systems
For your more complex buffer needs, our 5-pump MOTIV systems offer maximum flexibility for multi-component buffers. Systems are available in a range of flow rates, from 200 L/h to 2,000 L/h for process development to production scale.
Patented Technology
MOTIV Inline Buffer Formulation systems implement our patented, multi-stage Pro-Yield blending technology to shorten the buffer adjustment response rate. The dynamic single-pass mixer efficiently blends your liquid streams inline to allow for a faster setpoint target and faster washout volumes.
MOTIV as a “Buffer Factory”
Leverage a MOTIV 5 system within an existing facility as a “buffer factory” to feed your current bags or tanks.
OCELOT™ System Control
Each MOTIV system is outfitted with the latest in automation software – OCELOT – bringing precision and intuitive configuration to all inline buffer formulation process steps. In a universally compatible format, OCELOT can integrate and/or interface with your plant-wide control system, allowing for far-reaching data collection and analysis