Pittcon 2013 Announces Short Course Program
The Pittcon Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the listing for the 2013 Short Course program which runs March 16 through March 21, 2013. Short Courses are taught by industry experts; range from half-day up to two-day classes; and include beginner, intermediate, and advanced level curricula.
This year, 58 new courses were added in the fields of environmental, food, life, and pharmaceutical sciences; data analysis; chromatography; lab management; and analytical methods. There will be a special emphasis on nanotechnology with courses covering nanomaterials, health/safety, and nanotechnology in life science. A number of new titles will be offered in communications such as writing grants, understanding social media, creating presentations and public speaking.
Another noteworthy addition for 2013 is that water and wastewater operators can earn contact hours by attending select Pittcon Short Courses. For each hour of instruction, the attendee will receive one contact hour.
Lab management courses are a significant part of the program and provide critical insight into the interpretation of the requirements of regulatory aspects, global guidelines, and laboratory standards such as ISO.IEC 17025:2005. Short Course Chairman Heather Juzwa commented, “Short Courses play an important role in the Pittcon experience for our attendees. Our courses help laboratory personnel to understand current industry trends, prepare them for the challenges of changing environments, and assist with achieving educational and developmental career goals.”
The deadline for discounted Short Course registration fees is February 18, 2013, and prices range from $260 to $925. For more information,visit the Short Course Information page.
About Pittcon
Pittcon is a registered trademark of The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, a Pennsylvania non-profit organization. Co-sponsored by the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh and the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh, Pittcon is the premier annual conference and exposition on laboratory science. Proceeds from Pittcon fund science education and outreach at all levels, kindergarten through adult. Pittcon donates more than a million dollars a year to provide financial and administrative support for various science outreach activities including science equipment grants, research grants, scholarships and internships for students, awards to teachers and professors, and grants to public science centers, libraries and museums.
Source: Pittcon 2015