
Sampling And Dispensing Services

Sampling and Dispensing

Singota Solutions offers sampling and dispensing services for clients in the pharmaceutical, animal health, and biotechnology industries who store bulk API, excipients, and other ingredients in our storage facilities. Singota can aliquot materials to specified weights or volumes into appropriate containers for testing, development, and manufacturing purposes.

Clients that utilize Singota for supply chain management services can direct and authorize Singota to sample and dispense various materials and specify shipping or storage instructions using the company’s web-based E-Transparency® system. The system interfaces with the company’s validated ERP and “Weigh & Dispense” IT modules to verify material identity, quality status, and expiry/retest dates prior to dispensing material from inventory. Once the sampling and dispensing operations are underway, Singota’s IT system records processing conditions, updates all material movements and inventory levels, and maintains traceability and material transaction histories.

Sampling and dispensing services include:

  • Powders and liquids
  • Flammable, toxic, and potent materials
  • Light, humidity, and static sensitive materials
  • Weight ranges from 10 mg up to 115 Kg
  • Time Out of Refrigeration (TOR) monitoring