
United States Pharmacopoeia XXIV, National Formulary 19

Source: Interpharm Press, Inc.
The official pharmacopeia of the United States, Canada and many countries worldwide
Book Format

The official pharmacopeia of the United States, Canada and many countries worldwide, the United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary is the essential text for all manufacturers and analytical laboratories involved with pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, cosmetic, and medical device products. The new updated edition includes information on packaging materials and storage; guidelines for beyond-use dating of prescription drugs; processes, techniques, and apparatus for all assays and product testing; specifications for reagents, indicators, and solutions.


Use your friendly Windows interface to search essential drug standards information electronic format USP-NF on CD-ROM speeds and simplifies your drug standards research. Take advantage of three easy search modes for instant information—search by view, keyword and by subsection.

This advanced electronic version:

  • Provides the same legally recognized information that is contained in the print version
  • Integrates all Supplements into one convenient package
  • Searches more than 3,700 monographs quickly
  • Helps with analytical methods development
  • saves time and money in preparing NDA's

    Interpharm Press, Inc., 15 Inverness Way E., Englewood, CO 80112-5776. Tel: 303-662-9101; Fax: 303-754-3953.