Application Note

Application Note: Using The Elzone® To Detect Low Numbers Of Large Or Agglomerated Particles

Source: Micromeritics Instrument Corporation

For some materials, determination of the mean and standard deviation of the particle size of a sample may not be sufficient. The presence of even a small amount of large or agglomerated particles can affect the product's performance. For example, many problems are encountered in materials such as abrasives, pigments, blood, inks, toners, and explosives when large or agglomerated particles go undetected.

The electrozone sensing method measures the size and number of particles that pass through an orifice. It is one of only a few techniques that can determine with accuracy the presence and amount of large or agglomerated particles. Other methods include microscopy and sieves, but both are very time-consuming. The Elzone employs the electrozone sensing method and can report data either as population (comparable to data from a microscope) or volume (comparable to sieve data).

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