Leadership Toolbox Training: Effective Interpersonal Communication Skills for Leaders and Emerging Leaders. Why it Matter More than Intelligence

November 1, 2018 - Aurora CO US

Training Doyens


OVERVIEW Interpersonal Communications Skills for Leaders can encompass many hours of formal classroom training. As such, this webinar will cover only several topics due to time constraints. This webinar is meant to introduce how interpersonal communication is the hallmark of a leader and how we may draw upon precise communication to further our agenda. When viewing interpersonal skills in the workplace through the lens of leadership two wonderful things happen: one, the personals communication style is enhanced since they now have a new modality (that of leadership) to communicate through, and two, their leadership skills are enhanced since they have put new tools into their leadership toolbox. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND In a recent blog posting Benjamin Snyder, he suggested that the biggest fear holding people back in business is the fear of inadequacy. Spending many years in consulting leaders in more effective communication that is a resounding truth! And one of the biggest reasons for feeling of inadequacy in business is lack of ability to communicate properly. This webinar is a spring board to assist the participant in discovering inner strength and fortitude in developing greater and more precise levels of communication. This webinar will take the sting out of communicating by giving the participant more tools to work with. It will also assist in having the participant develop greater interpersonal leadership skills, thus allowing them to garner even more interpersonal communication skills after the webinar has ended. AREAS COVERED • Introduction – 5 minutes • You most critical challenges in managing communications - 10 minutes • Huh? Active Listening and Planning to Listen – 10 minutes • The Three “Self’s: of better communication: Self Image, Self Esteem and Self Control – 10 minutes • Put That Finger Down! Nonverbal Communications: What the Body is Saying – 10 minutes • Vision and Values Alignment – 15 minutes • Two Sides of the Same Coin: Time and Stress Management – 15 minutes LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understanding several key skills of Interpersonal Communications and viewing those skills through the lens and perspective of a leader. This session will not only teach various Interpersonal Communications Skills for Leaders but also assist the participant on when to use the appropriate skill. Under the assumption that any strength overused becomes a weakness, participants will be challenged to break through their current communications paradigm and experiment and take risks with their communication style and strategy. WHO WILL BENEFIT Supervisor to “C” suite, however non leadership personal may use this material to enjoy a more precise communication level with individuals they need to interface with. For more detail please click on this below link: http://bit.ly/2DXimik Email: support@trainingdoyens.com Toll Free: +1-888-300-8494 Tel: +1-720-996-1616 Fax: +1-888-909-1882

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