Newsletter | August 30, 2024

08.30.24 -- Bacterial Endotoxin Testing, Part 4: Key Tests For Endotoxin Detection


Virtual Pharma Expo: Oral Solid Dose Manufacturing & Packaging is happening on September 17th. Don't miss your chance to learn about innovative equipment and solutions for OSD. Industry leading experts will provide quick, information-packed sessions with live equipment demonstrations. Secure your free registration for this digital event.


What Pharma And Biopharma Should Know About Container Closure Integrity

Explore high voltage leak detection, headspace analysis, and vacuum and pressure decay as applied in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Cleanroom Data Analytics To Consider When Setting Up EM

Learn about innovative software that addresses the need of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants to centralize and trend data from various sources important to environmental monitoring (EM) systems.

Secrets To Successful Development For Emerging Biotechs

Emerging biotechs are behind many of the pharma industry’s latest therapeutic innovations. And while CDMOs are eager to work with them, they must learn to accommodate their unique needs.

Best Practices For The Design And Manufacture Of Hot Cells, Isolators, And Gloveboxes

Here, we address a number of OHS, regulatory, and process requirements imperative to the delivery of critical containment systems.

Improving Biomanufacturing Resilience In An Uncertain Future

Three experts discuss the role and value of collaborations and what strategies can be used to help improve biomanufacturing resilience in an unpredictable but promising future.

Customer-Supplier Collaboration Overcomes Supply Chain Limitations

Understanding the root cause of a supply chain issue helps set more realistic timelines for customers and generates more collaborative problem-solving efforts between drug manufacturers and suppliers.

Sustained, Controlled Drug Delivery To The Eye

Examine how a platform that leverages polymeric implantable drug delivery systems enables improved bioavailability, patient compliance, and mitigation of issues associated with repeated injections.

Late-Stage Serialization Customization: A Key Differentiator For CDMOs

CMOs and CPOs currently face significant challenges, including strong competition, high cost pressure, and more. Learn why being agile, flexible, and responsive is bound to pay off.

Isolator Air Handling: Advancements And Considerations For Fill-Finish

When it comes to fill/finish manufacturing of parenteral liquid pharmaceuticals, your choice of barrier technology is crucial.

Comparator Sourcing: How And Why To Choose A Provider

The right comparator sourcing strategy is critical. Review what sponsors need to consider when selecting the right provider to source the needed commercial products.

Nanoparticle Engineering Addresses Poor Aqueous Solubility

As pharma companies aim to overcome development obstacles, it is important to incorporate GMP expertise alongside novel technologies that can enhance the properties of APIs and dosage forms.

Accelerate And De-Risk Bioconjugate Drug Development

With a growing interest in developing new and improved bioconjugate drugs, explore an “innovation through collaboration” approach that can facilitate access to next-generation conjugation technologies.


Bacterial Endotoxin Testing, Part 4: Key Tests For Endotoxin Detection

This article concludes the author's series on bacterial endotoxin testing. It discusses best practices for the labeled lysate sensitivity test, non-interfering dilution determination, and more.


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Contract Packaging Services For Probiotics

Mopping Systems For Critical Environments

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