Article | June 28, 2023

Cloud Migration: 10 Questions To Ask Your Pharmaceutical MES Software Vendor

Source: Apprentice

By Kelly Stewart

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The adoption of cloud technology has become a prominent trend in pharmaceutical manufacturing. This shift has significant implications for pharmaceutical manufacturers and their chosen Manufacturing Execution System (MES) vendors.

It is crucial for pharmaceutical manufacturers to understand the intricacies of the cloud migration process and to be equipped with the right knowledge and questions when engaging with their MES vendors. Here, we present ten essential questions that delve into crucial aspects of the MES cloud migration process. These questions cover the migration process, resource burden, system integrations, user training requirements, expertise in cloud architecture, and the vendor's capacity to provide support during the migration.

By actively engaging with these questions, pharmaceutical manufacturers can gain valuable insights into their MES vendors' capabilities, preparedness, and alignment with their specific needs. Armed with this knowledge, they can make informed decisions about undergoing migration with their current vendor — or considering alternate options to ensure they are both minimizing disruption to their operations and taking advantage of the latest technologies.

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