Newsletter | April 23, 2024

04.23.24 -- FDA Publishes Final Guidance On Reporting Listed Drug Amounts


Tablet Manufacturing Technologies for Solid Drug Formulation

Despite being one of the most widely used oral solid dosage forms, formulating compressed tablets can be challenging. A critical first step is selecting a suitable manufacturing approach and the right excipients for the formulation from a range of options that can support the desired therapeutic effect by optimizing the release kinetics, stability, and API solubility. Read our technical article to learn more!


FDA Publishes Final Guidance On Reporting Listed Drug Amounts

Despite earlier efforts to shore up the U.S. drug supply chain, COVID-19 still brought shortages. A new FDA reporting system aims to reduce future supply risks.


Navigating Your Digital Journey To AI Success

The first critical step in your digital journey, before implementing AI, is to ensure you’re at the right level of digital maturity.

Assessing Gaps And Achieving Compliance With Annex 1

In this podcast episode on Annex 1 compliance and gap assessment, Patrick Nieuwenhuizen shares his insights and expertise gleaned from extensive experience in pharmaceutical regulation and compliance.

A Cost-Effective Approach To Cleaning Validation And Verification

From fully developed large-scale manufacturing and packaging to a single development batch, a contract services organization must be prepared to handle multiple compounds in the same facility.

Recombinant Proteins: Understand 5 Key Process Development Challenges

Once a company has demonstrated proof of concept, it is critical to consider process elements like scalability, sourcing raw materials, and GMP adherence.

How To Select An API Partner For Strategic Success

A strategic partner should seek innovation that improves your compound or product’s value. Pfizer CentreOne’s Tom Wilson shares tips for picking the perfect API partner.

Imaging Large Volume Subcutaneous Injections To Inform Clinical Design

New higher volume, higher viscosity pharmaceutical formulations for subcutaneous injection, alternatives to traditional intravenous treatment, enable chronic disease therapy in alternate settings.

Cutting-Edge Automation Revolutionizing Cell Line Development

Advancements in cell line development workflows have created the potential for greater standardization and automation, eliminating the most common workflow bottlenecks and improving reproducibility.

Breaking Bad Manufacturing Habits: Attaining Sustainable API Production

Sustainability is a growing issue in the pharmaceutical industry. Review strategies for reducing your carbon footprint and learn how the right CDMO can help drive the sustainable manufacture of APIs.

Continuous Biomanufacturing: N-1 Tech For Higher Productivity, Quality

Among the numerous benefits of N-1 technology-backed CM are reduced bioreactor size, standardized sizes, a simplified process, and the potential to utilize single-use bioreactors (SUBs).

Empowering A New Era Of Patient-Centric Medicines

Discover the challenges pharma companies are facing as they switch focus as well as the actions and technologies companies are implementing to help achieve a brighter future for patients.

Better Therapeutic Outcomes From Better Drug Delivery

Innovative drug-eluting implants, inserts, and transdermal films delivering biologics and small molecules can meet the goals of patient-centric therapies, improved medicine, and better healthcare economics.

Challenges Of Moving A Bioconjugate Candidate From Clinic To Market

Drug developers must successfully navigate the path to market under the growing pressure of regulation and competition, while carefully managing technical and financial risk.


Biodegradable Polyester Amide Platform

Designed For Inhalation: Pulmonary And Nasal Delivery

System Monitoring Software To Maximize Lab Productivity

A Flexible, Single-Use Chromatography System

Solid Form Services

Capture Resins For Antibody Purification

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