
HPAPI Pharmaceutical Compacting And Coating Enclosure With Rolling Cart

HPAPI Pharmaceutical Compacting And Coating Enclosure With Rolling Cart

Advantech Sonic Sifter Powder Weighing and Transfer Enclosure designed to provide personnel protection during compacting and coating operations involving Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (HPAPI).

Capable of containing operation down to a respiratory exposure concentration of 10 micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m3). Design accommodates sufficient space for storage and usage of a Freund-Vector and TFC Lab Micro Roll Compactor with power control unit. Sliding doors allows easy access to equipment and product inside of the enclosure. A white powder coated cart is included for portability and transfer of product between work areas.

Enclosure features include:

  • Integrated airflow alarm which alerts the user of airflow measurements below the setpoint calibrated by the certifier
  • Switch-activated LED Lighting Kit for optimal viewing across the entirety of the workspace
  • (2x) 2-gang modular power outlet
  • 3” diameter iris ports for insertion/removal of cables and cords while retaining containment (located at rear-left and rear-right of unit)