
IMA C80R: Stand-Alone Blister Machine (400-600 Blisters/Min.)

Source: IMA S.p.A.
C80R is a highly economical solution that guarantees high production efficiency with the least amount of product and material waste. The C80R is designed for the quickest changeover, the highest efficiency with all kinds of packaging materials, the greatest flexibility and operator-friendliness.

Click Here To Download:
Product Brochure: IMA In Blister Packaging
Case Study: A Successful Collaboration

C80R is a highly economical solution that guarantees high production efficiency with the least amount of product and material waste. The C80R is designed for the quickest changeover, the highest efficiency with all kinds of packaging materials, the greatest flexibility and operator-friendliness.

The C80R is a machine working on 1, 2 or 3 rows designed for the modular separation of all materials and respective working groups. Products and materials are always visible and clearly separated and cross-contamination is eliminated thanks to clean design in critical areas like feeding. Its ergonomic design makes daily operations easy and safe while always maintaining the expected production results.

Thanks to a very flexible blister transfer system from the cutter the C80R offers many advantages in wallet production as it can handle any blister shape and configuration, even the most difficult blisters with small or even one pocket.

It can be connected to the current IMA cartoners or other downstream machines.

Click Here To Download:
Product Brochure: IMA In Blister Packaging
Case Study: A Successful Collaboration