Method Migration Of The USP Ibuprofen Assay And Organic Impurities Method To An Alliance™ iS HPLC System

Migration, or moving a method across two different LC systems, is an important consideration in any regulated laboratory. Modernization of analytical equipment is often necessary due to system availability and/or to take advantage of system improvements. Differences in systems can lead to changes in chromatography that may impact critical results. In addition, unfamiliarity with a system may lead to improper set up and/or operation of the system.
In this study, an isocratic United States Pharmacopeia (USP) monograph for ibuprofen and related organic impurities is used to assess a method migration between HPLC systems. System suitability criteria, including peak area %RSD, retention time %RSD, USP tailing, signal-to-noise (s/n), and USP resolution will be evaluated. Analysis is conducted on two legacy HPLC systems as well as a modern HPLC system. Explore results that demonstrate the ability to migrate methods to newer LC systems, enabling modernization of HPLC systems in the lab.
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