AST aseptic filling products address the unique processing requirements of biologics manufacturing to gently care for biologic products during the fill/finish process.
These units provide containment for work with high-risk biological agents and must be constructed in compliance with the Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) specifications.
CDMOs provide a comprehensive, single-source drug development and commercial manufacturing solution that requires unyielding safety and processing standards.
ROSS Dual Shaft Mixers are durable, versatile systems designed for precise processing of high-performance formulations across diverse rheologies, solids loading, temperatures, and pressures.
Dec provides a modular concept allowing to meet a variety of packaging that is appropriate in the field of research and development as well as clinical trials.
The Xcellerex™ magnetic mixer is tailored for a variety of mixing processes, as it is available in 2000 and 3000 L capacities and has several configurations.
The DNS machines are designed for de-nesting syringes and cartridges in nest without damaging them. You can automatically connect the filling machine with the final production system.
Alconox, Inc. detergents are available worldwide with consistent formulations, certificates of analysis, ingredient toxicity data, shelf life information, residue sampling techniques, and more.