
The Importance Of Container Closure Integrity (CCI) Feasibility Testing

By Brian Svaton


Container Closure Integrity Testing (CCIT) in the pharmaceutical industry is such an important piece of the packaging puzzle, that more and more regulatory agencies around the globe are beginning to draft specific requirements for manufacturers. With the greater need to meet these requirements, product inspection companies are evolving their technology to meet the increased speed and efficiency demands of the packaging lines. An absolute truth in the CCIT space is that one single inspection technology cannot be used for every type of pharmaceutical product.

Therefore, you should always weigh the various factors to determine the ideal inspection methodology. These factors include, but are not limited to, solid vs. liquid form, type of container (glass, plastic, ect.), fill volume, viscosity, conductivity, production speed, and temperature or oxygen sensitive products including vaccines, biologicals, or anything albumin based. So how does one determine the best inspection method for their particular product? Feasibility testing!

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