Featured Pharma Online Editorial
FDA Issues Draft Guidance On The Use Of AI To Support Regulatory Decision-Making For Drug And Biological Products
The U.S. FDA issued a draft guidance, Considerations for the Use of Artificial Intelligence to Support Regulatory Decision-Making for Drug and Biological Products, on January 6, 2025. The public comment period ends April 7.
Ensuring Repeatable, Viable Surface Sampling In Aseptic Settings
Without high quality data, surface sampling simply becomes another exercise in checking regulatory compliance boxes.
GDUFA And Facility Readiness: A New Era for Generic Drug Approvals
2025 marks the midpoint of the current Generic Drug User Fee Amendments (GDUFA) III program, so it's a good time to refresh yourself with requirements and facility readiness.
FDA Finalizes Guidance On The Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Designation Program
The FDA released final guidance on the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Designation Program at the end of December. This article shares a summary, analysis, and how it compares to the 2023 draft.
These Were FDA's Top Citation Issues For Data Quality In 2024
Pharma, biopharma, and medical device makers should watch out for these perennial problems, which include inadequate procedural controls and poor record-keeping.
2024 Trends In FDA Observations For Sterile Drug Manufacturers
This data-driven analysis of the 2024 trends in FDA observations for sterile drug manufacturers includes a comparison to the 2023 trends. Which 21 CFR 211 sections surprise you most?
Top 10 Data Auditor Statistical Software Requests
Statistical analysis provides a backbone for establishing critical process parameters and offers evidence of process validation for regulatory submissions.
Addressing Blind Spots In Assuring Therapeutic Equivalence
The new FDA commissioner-designee's focus offers a timely opportunity to expose root causes to distinguish between "special" and "common" causes of deviation and variability in public health and regulatory oversight.
AI's Promising Role In Adverse Event Management Of Small Molecule Drugs
By fostering a proactive, technology-driven environment, pharma manufacturers can ensure swift, accurate tracking of adverse events while advancing patient safety and meeting compliance standards.
Will FDA Finally Enforce DSCSA Interoperability In 2025?
Two experts weigh in on the persistent problems surrounding the Drug Supply Chain Security Act and its upcoming enforcement deadlines.